“Keep burning the fire I have lit.”
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Die Einweihung von Fazal Manzil
Wir freuen uns sehr, ankündigen zu können, dass wir am 9. und 10. September die Wiedereröffnung der Khankah feiern werden, die mit Hilfe Eurer großzügigen Spenden renoviert wurde.
Wir sind sehr dankbar für Eure Unterstützung und hoffen, dass Ihr Euch uns persönlich oder über Zoom anschließen könnt. Unten findet Ihr den Link, um Euch für diese kostenlose Veranstaltung anzumelden.
Bis bald,
Alima Galiffet, Jos van den Heuvel, Kadir Troelstra, Latifa Pasquier, Reina de Wit, Ivar Kofman
A fundraiser to renovate the former gathering place and residence of
Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan
Situated just outside of Paris, Fazal Manzil has been the ‘heartquarters’ of the Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan since he lived there—a place for pilgrimage, study, meditation, gatherings, music, talks, seminars and retreats.
While he was alive he taught a path of Spiritual Liberty. He felt that we must learn to understand and tolerate differences in culture and religion, so that we can appreciate all people as manifestations of the One Being. During his sixteen years in the West, Hazrat created a school based on the principle of Unity, and his Message of Love, Harmony, and Beauty, is imbued throughout Fazal Manzil.
Today, people throughout the world are coming together to support the renewal of Fazal Manzil. We long for it to become a ‘House of Blessings’ once again—a place in which future generations of Sufis and those interested in Sufism will find knowledge, joy and community.
Can you support us in our renovation efforts?