Several foundations located around Fazal Manzil are dedicated to maintaining the legacy of Hazrat Inayat Khan. These foundations and Fazal Manzil are grouped together under the name

With Fazal Manzil at its heart, Sufi Suresnes is a centre for spiritual and historical research:

The Fazal Manzil Endowment Fund is responsible for the public part of the house: it renovates and maintains it and manages the Events and Museum Areas, welcoming researchers and visitors.

The estate is owned by two Dutch foundations, one of which owns the public area and the other provides accommodation for Hazrat Inayat Khan’s grandson, Zia Inayat Khan (PHD). He is a specialist in religions and a teacher of Sufism in the universalist tradition of his grandfather. 

According to him, “Fazal Manzil is a special place where what Hazrat Inayat Khan brought to the world is honoured and maintained in its original glory, with special attention to form and spirit.”

The Nekbakht Foundation organizes the biographical department which was set up by Nekbakht Furnée in the 1950s to help spread the message of Hazrat Inayat Khan by returning as far as possible to the words he himself spoke.

Hazrat Inayat Khan had a dream of four great beings meditating back-to-back. This is how the Sanctuary of the Universal took shape in his mind. On 13 September 1926, he consecrated the foundation stone in the garden.

The association L’Universel was created in 1983 by Vilayat Inayat Khan to build the sanctuary that bears the name Universel-Mémorial Noor. Architect Hervé Baley designed and directed the construction, which was completed in June 1990 with the laying of the foundation stone dating from 1926. It was then consecrated by representatives of different religions and became a space for meditation. 

Mir Pyarumian Van Goens Endowment Fund, founded by Mahmood Khan, Hazrat Inayat Khan’s nephew, aims to cultivate the spiritual teachings of the music of his father, Maheboob, Inayat Khan’s younger brother, as well as the musical work of Daniël van Goens. 

The WHW Foundation (Wali Helene & Wakil) is a German foundation supporting Fazal Manzil and other Sufi projects. If you have a project or are having difficulty attending an event, you can send them a request for support.