When the feeling heart unfolds, that light is always ready to brighten the path.

Murshid Hidayat Inayat-Khan

Spring 2022 will mark 100 years since Hazrat Inayat Khan settled at Fazal Manzil. As was his wish, we are working to ensure the house and grounds will remain a Sufi gathering place for decades to come and for all those inspired by the Sufi Message.

Renewing Fazal Manzil

Three foundations – The Egeling and Inayat Foundations, and the Fonds de Dotation Mary et Noor Inayat Khan – have been coordinating renovations of the property with great care and safety in mind, so it can once again thrive as a place of harmony, beauty and community.

“The house will accommodate all Sufi activities directly embodying Murshid’s methods and teachings

Pir Zia Inayat Khan

Donations will support the renewal of the Main house and the Khankah

Main house

Restoration efforts  encompass the Music Room (Salon de Musique), Library (Bibliotheque), and a Museum where belongings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, his daughter Noor, among others, will be exhibited. All those who follow and practice the path of Sufism will be welcome, as well as all those inspired by Noor Inayat Khan’s journey of resistance.

Specifically, funds raised will be used for:

  • Waterproofing the exterior
  • Beautifying and restoring the interior of the house 
  • Upgrading fire and electrical standards

We are delighted to share that the roof has already been repaired.


The museum will consist of two rooms with display cases and information panels. It will also include a Media/Research Room featuring primarily the work of his children Noor, Vilayat and Hidayat but also lectures and information on his close associates, in particular his brothers and cousin, and the four women he initiated as Murshida, namely: Mda Rabia Martin, Mda Sherifa Goodenough, Mda Sophia Saintsbury-Green and Mda Fazal Mai Egeling, and a library of around 2000 books.

The Khankah

As ours is a way of light, the work we do as followers of the path of Sufism is to help others become conscious that they are beings of light. Becoming more skilled in the art of illumination catalyzes transformation.

Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

We are also refurbishing the Khankah. Once completed, the Khankah will offer space for study, lectures, gatherings, and retreat.

Specifically, funds raised will be used for:

  • Expansion of the kitchen
  • Upgrading of toilets
  • Upgrading fire and electrical standards
  • Access for the disabled
  • Refurbishment of the main space to make it more comfortable

Our goal is to raise €555 000 by March 2022.